
RIP Mr. Steve Jobs

I started a discussion at Blog Catalog today (How did you respond on Steve Jobs passing?) and I’ll be posting my Blog Catalog Friend’s answer here in time with links on their blog. Feel free to visit their sites!
Here are some of their responses:
TonyB I was upset by the news and wrote an article about him based off his Commencement Address to the Graduating Class at Stanford where he spoke about life and death. His quote, “death may be life’s greatest invention” gave me some peace as we all die. That’s just the fact. So live each day like its our last and when we get to the end of our lives we won’t have any regrets about the person we have become. Steve lived a magical life and made so such a large contribution to society that the sadness of his passing is in some ways mitigated by the fact that he lived a life that most people in this world can barely even begin to dream about.

Well stated, Tony. I think his death was so shocking because if anyone seemed like an immortal demi-god, even in his fragile physical state, it was Steve Jobs.

jeremyjanson It made me really think about how great of a man he really was. You know, it’s ironic, I heard about his passing directly after finishing up a Substrates Lab, Substrates being a field that Jobs did more to advance then anyone else. Before Jobs, people saw Substrate as just a small, cheap device for containing Integrated Circuits, but with the rise of the IPhone and other Apple electronics, Apple became the first company to use the substrate as a thing to embed devices, electrical, radio and thermal, even entire miniature IC’s, INSIDE the substrate. Not only did this lead to a whole new level of miniaturization, and increased the ability of boards to handle smaller more complex IC’s (Integrated Circuits), but itself created a whole brand new dimension to the design of internal computing and greater abilities to control impedance and thus increase power efficiency and lower cooling needs.

It will not be long at all before the advances Apple made to build the worlds most advanced phone become applied to all areas of computing.

carlots1223 i was like, steve who? but reading on the news, it’s amazing how he could accomplish so much…

P4LKrasher In this manner: Steve Jobs didn’t invent anything in his entire life, he just ripped off other companies and made it shinier and twice as expensive with parts of half the quality. Stealing inventions before the small business who actually made it can afford a patent doesn’t count. Apple is perhaps the greatest perpetrator of intellectual theft and industrial espionage the world has ever seen. But thanks to retarded american patent laws, it’s all legal. Literally made a living stealing the life work of his betters and robbing them of their just rewards.

I’ll save the majority of my vitriol since I’m sure there are some touchy people lurking around here (and yes this is me going easy on Steve Jobs, I swear to fucking christ it is), but you be sure I had nothing but contempt for him and regarded his as a beady-eyed turtlenecked lying thieving murderer of progress and that anyone who thinks lying and stealing are traits to be admired are the only ones who should have a hero in this despicable person. People like him make me sick, and I’m glad we have one less of his ilk.


erniemcpeck I was sad that the world has lost such an innovative, determined man, but I don’t think it would be right to say I was “shocked” to hear of his death – the man had been suffering with poor health for years, and pancreatic cancer is one of the worst cancers out there (in terms of treatment).

He was a brilliant man and the opinion that he changed the world is entirely true. His story provides belief to many that if they stay focused and set their standards really high then they can do remarkable things.

Of course, it helps to be quite intelligent as well… 😉

RIP Steve

Shiley The world is full of people and Steve Jobs was just another inhabitant of planet Earth. I’m not really sad he passed away. I did not know the man. He was affluent so he could afford objects to play with and make but you can’t buy life. When my mother in law passed this summer it taught me that sometimes, it’s just better to pass on. Can you imagine the amount of pain he was in? His passing isn’t sad. His living with an illness is sad.
UncleBeau I didn’t know him personally, so I wasn’t upset by it or anything. I really don’t understand how total strangers can be so distraught by someone they’ve never met dying.
Pushhyarag2000 “Some are born great; some achieve greatness & some have greatness thrust on them’. Let me not judge where Steve fits in. I never had any fancy for Apple products nor have used any. I think a lot of people find it fashionable eulogizing him. But I have no big feelings either way.
nothingprofound I have no idea who Steve Jobs is or what he did, but I think it’s a sad thing when anyone dies (for the person and their friends & family), because life is so beautiful.
eatmehoney I wasn’t in shock at all because he was so sick and wasn’t sad because he is immortalized with his products and he achieved extraordinary milestones. He lives on forever. It had to be really hard for him to constantly be in the face of the death.That’s very scary and not matter how optimistic he may have been, deep inside that took a toll and had to be painful. Now he is at peace and left an amazing legacy.
AngieA Sad as a big piece of light left our surroundings.
highhotinfoil very upsetting. I had only gotten into the apple gadgets this year!

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